Twist and Shout

Twist and Shout
Life is never straight (Joey Kulkin photo)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Just one of the guys

BENNINGTON -- Andrew was giving Caroline all kinds of devotion, and then he said the thing that mattered most.

It's actually kind of funny because he walked in today and I didn't recognize him even though we met 4 days ago and I wrote a bit long thing about them that has been seen 2,000 times on Fiddlehead's Facebook page. Today he wore his cap backward and sported a Vermont sweatshirt and just didn't look like the same dude.

Wasn't till he said Caroline that I remembered. Serious derp.

We exchanged pleasantries and he started looking at jewelry because Caroline turns 21 next week. He's taking her to Gotham City for that kind of celebration.

Even though Andrew called Caroline his "best friend" the other day, I wanted to know more. "Best friend" is cliché without the substance.

"She's everything I dream for in a woman. My likes are her likes and her likes are my likes. We never have any arguments and--"

"Having arguments," I interrupted, "is probably a good thing for the relationship."

Andrew smiled. "She's a psych major so she does these little mind tricks on me."

Caroline is a dream come true, he said again.

Then he said it. He goes out with his buddies often. Concerts and music festivals and social events where being a single dude with a big appetite is priority one.

"It used to always be me and my friends," he said, "but now it's Her and my friends."

And that's why Andrew and Caroline are going to get married.

For shits and giggles I wanted to see how in-tune he is to her favorites.

Movie? She doesn't really watch movies.

Book? He was quick: "She's reading a book called Lost." (by Cheryl Strayed)

Band? Stumped him for a minute. He wanted to say Zeppelin but wasn't quite sure. I put the dichroic glass bracelet and glass heart necklace he bought her into boxes and noticed him pecking away on his smartphone as he walked toward the western wall. 

We both returned to the counter and I handed him the bag.

"Pink Floyd," he said. "She has Pink Floyd posters all over her walls. She's an oldie at heart."

His buddies probably know this by now.

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